Author name: أدارة الموقع


جامعة الحضارة خلية نحل

– جامعة الحضارة خلية نحل ما أن انتهت ورشة العمل لمناقشة استراتيجية الجامعة لغاية 2025. حتى انتقلت قيادة الجامعة لمتابعة كل شؤون الطلاب ومنها. التدريب الصيفي لطلبة مستوى ثالث هندسة نفط وغاز. فقد زارت قيادة الجامعة. موقع التدريب. في هيئة استكشاف وإنتاج النفط وتم الاتفاق على توثيق التعاون بين الهيئة والجامعة.

كلية العلوم الطبية

رؤية قسم الصيدلة

رؤية قسم الصيدلة في جامعة الحضارة:

أن نكون قسم صيدلة مرموقًا ومتميزًا على المستوى الوطني والعالمي، وأن نكون رائدين في التعليم والبحث العلمي والخدمة الصحية. نسعى لتخريج صيادلة محترفين متميزين، يتمتعون بالمعرفة والمهارات العلمية والتقنية اللازمة لتقديم رعاية دوائية آمنة وفعالة للمرضى والمجتمع.


The academic plan for the Accounting Department

The academic plan for the Accounting Department at the College of Commerce and Economics at Alhadara University in Yemen typically consists of a set of courses that students must complete to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. The academic plan may vary from one university to another, depending on the specific requirements of each university and department.


The study program in the Accounting Department

The study program in the Accounting Department at the College of Commerce and Economics at Alhadara University in Yemen aims to provide students with comprehensive skills and knowledge in the field of accounting. The Bachelor’s degree in Accounting is offered, and the study consists of a set of core and elective courses that cover various aspects of accounting.


The vision of the Accounting Department

The vision of the Accounting Department at the College of Commerce and Economics at Alhadara University in Yemen is to be a leading and distinguished authority in the field of education and scientific research in accounting. The department aims to develop a generation of professional accountants capable of meeting the changing needs of the job market and the diverse requirements of organizations.


The Accounting Department Overview

The Accounting Department at the College of Commerce and Economics at Alhadara University is considered one of the prestigious and important departments in the college. The department aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply accounting principles in the context of business.


The academic plan in the Business Administration Department

The academic plan in the Business Administration Department at Alhadara University is carefully designed to provide comprehensive and systematic education aimed at developing students’ skills and knowledge in the field of business administration. The academic plan aims to provide a rich and diverse learning experience that enables students to understand and apply fundamental concepts in business administration.


Vision of the Department of Business Administration

The vision of the Department of Business Administration at Al-Hadara University is to be a leading institution in education and research in the field of business administration at the national and international levels. The department aims to develop a generation of qualified and inspired leaders and managers who possess the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact and innovate in the business field.


Overview of the Department of Business Administration

The Department of Business Administration at Al-Hadara University is a prestigious and distinguished academic department that aims to provide excellent education in the field of business administration. This department is considered one of the most important departments in the university, as it offers comprehensive and diverse educational programs for students who are interested in developing their managerial skills and acquiring the necessary knowledge to succeed in the business field.

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